Figuring out a new church can be challenging but we are here for you!

You are more than welcome to be part of our church family

Learn more about us

  • Sunday Worship

    Join our worship at 8:30am (in-person) or 10:00am (in-person and online). We want everyone to feel comfortable worshiping that in their own way. Some people dress up, many dress casually; it’s up to you. When you arrive, you will be greeted at our doors by one of our friendly ushers who will welcome you. We hope to see you some day!

  • Sunday School

    Jesus Loves Us, This We Know! Jesus said that the kingdom of God belongs to children. Our Sunday School Team is dedicated to raise our children in the love, knowledge, and favor of God. Children will be invited to join Sunday School during the worship. The first Sunday of every month is a family Sunday where we will all worship together. There are children’s bulletins and crafts for them to do during worship.

  • Bible Study

    We often share life, grow in faith together, do sermon talk-backs, go over lessons, study books of the Bible, and many more! Our studying takes us deeper into God's Word and inspires and challenges us to live it out in our own context. Feel free to join us.

    We meet every Monday at 7pm at church. Please let Pastor Jacob know if you are interested or have questions at

  • Choir

    Choir meets at the church for rehearsals on Sundays from 11:00am

    If you play a musical instrument and would consider sharing your talents, please be sure to let us know. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Kyong Hee Cho at or Janet Horton at

  • Chime Bell Choir

    Since music is such a big part of HUMC, we have revived the Grace Chime Bell Choir! Everyone is welcome to join if you love music and love God! We practice on Wednesdays at 7:00pm and play once a month and on holidays. If you are interested, please contact Cindy Savoie at or find her on Sunday.

  • Membership and Evangelism (M&E)

    We are a loving family of faith that looks after one another. Ways we express our love is through meal trains (if you know anyone in our church family who has recently suffered an illness, injury, or hospitalization), providing transportations to church, planning and hosting events like Trunk-or-Treats, Carols and Coco, and many more, we want to look out for one another.

  • Missions & Outreach (M&O)

    M&O exists to inspire, support, organize, and mobilize the members of the church to share the gospel with others. We have many fun events throughout the year to serve our wider community. We have Coat-ober (in 2022, we have donated 99 coats!), Reverse Advent Calendar and Christmas Operation Box, and so many more.