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2023 Worship Series
January Worship Series: Tidying Up! The Art of Sparking Joy
Does your life feel complex and cluttered? It’s time to “Marie Kondo” your schedule and regain control over your inner world. In this January worship series, we will learn to stop living at a frenetic pace and start the new year anchored in the priorities that matter most. Discover the life-changing power of simplicity in your schedule, work, finances, relationships, and soul. Join us at HUMC to begin 2023 sparking joy!
February Worship Series: Sin in Us
Lent is a 40 day journey towards Easter excluding Sundays and is a season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time for us to reflect on our sinful nature, fast our sin, to remember Christ’s sacrifice for us and to participate in Christ’s suffering for us.
So I want to spend the next two Sundays to prepare us for Lent by talking about sin. The Bible has a lot to say about how messed up we humans are. The Bible uses three words to offer us a deeply profound diagnosis of our human nature. The three words are: sin, transgression, and iniquity. These three words are used interchangeably and share similar meanings but they are distinct and unique from one another in the time that they were written.
So we are going to spend the next three Sundays to talk about these three words how messed up we are but yet we still have hope because of God’s faithfulness to us.